Our Services

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Assist Travel/ Transport
Assist Personal Activities
Assist Life Stage, Transition
Group/Center Activities
Development-Life Skills

Household Tasks

Accommodation Tenancy
Daily Tasks/Shared Living
Innovative Community Participation
Personal Activities High
Participate Community
Assist Access/Maintain Employ


To live life to the fullest, an individual needs to live each day with enthusiasm, which is not possible without having goals and making efforts to achieve those goals.

Depending on your specific goals, you may have to visit the school, college, hobby club, vocational training centre, office or any other place. We offer travel assistance to the disabled people and encourage them to continue cultivating their passions.

We provide specialized travel equipment and also train you in using the public and private modes of transport. Your costs of travelling through taxis and other private transport modes is also funded under the NDIS.

Household Task

The people with physical or growth impairment face many hardships in carrying out the regular household tasks. Therefore, the NDIS allows for providing reasonable and necessary support to them.

Our support workers help you with the various activities, for instance, meal preparation & delivery, house cleaning, grocery shopping, laundry, and lawn maintenance.

Whether you need a little assistance or significant assistance or merely supervision in the household tasks, we can fulfill all types of needs.

Daily Tasks/Shared Living

Daily Tasks/Shared Living are the daily task supervised or performed in a shared living environment. We assist our clients to with daily tasks/sharing Living focuses to improve and develop their domestic skills which help them live autonomously. It’s not necessary that they must be living in shared accommodation. Client living in a unit or with a family can also benefit from it. This service includes:

  1. One to one assistance
  2. Helping with budget
  3. Shopping Assistance
  4. Maintaining different skills and relations
  5. Help to attend appointments
  6. Maintaining health and wellbeing

Innovative Community Participation

The main purpose of this service is to encourage and help NDIS participants to participate in the community. The participation is similar to typical community participation only difference is we provide support to the NDIS participants where needed. We can help you to participate in events, make connections, socialize and provide support where needed.

Participate Community

The main purpose of this service is to encourage and help NDIS participants to participate in the community, social or recreational activities. Being active and participating in the community is always been an important part of life, whether you have a disability or not. There are very high chances for a disabled or mentally ill person to become isolated if he/she will not be active socially. For the same reason, NDIS scheme encourages their participant to participate in the community as much as they can. Our support workers work collaboratively with our clients to help them achieve their respective goals.

Accommodation Tenancy

Literally, tens of thousands of people with disability (and families) are thinking about how the NDIS will enable a move out of the family home and into a house of their own.

It is the assistance provided to guide, support and prompt participants, or to undertake on a participant’s behalf, activities to ensure they obtain or retain appropriate accommodation.

Assist Personal Activities High

If you are aged under 65 years and have a permanent and significant disability, you may be eligible for NDIS services.
Assisting with and/or supervising personal tasks of daily life to enable the participant to live as autonomously as possible. These supports are provided individually to participants and can be provided in a range of environments, including but not limited to, the participants own home.

Group/Center Activities

The purpose of Group/Center Activities is to help NDIS participants to develop different social skills, emotional skills and confidence. It brings in confidence to do different activities to learn a sense of feeling confident and encouraged to take risks.
Moreover, It will also develop a skill to be socially active and feel valued and comfortable socially.
These activities include:

•  Cooking/Baking Activities

•  Board Games

•  Slime Making

•  Movie Sessions

•  Yoga & Meditation

•  Dance Therapy

•  Music Therapy

•  Painting & Drawing

•  Knitting

•  Pilates

•  Art and craft


Assist Personal Activities

This is an individualised service (for both adults and children) where OCC Support Workers assist you to complete daily activities that are relevant to your individual needs and support requirements. Supports we can provide include:

  • Cooking
  • Shopping
  • Attending medical appointments
  • In-home support – lawn and garden maintenance

Assist Access/Maintain Employ

Assist Access/Maintain Employ is about providing you with a helping hand in your work life. This plan is meant to help the disabled find and retain jobs, get promotions for better jobs, improve their skills and more. This could be part of the NDIS plan. Optimistic Community Care will help you in the best way possible to get to your goal.
This service includes:


1) Helping in selecting the right industry according to the skillset
2) Helping in preparing a resume
3) Helping in finding a jobs opportunity
4) Upskill or training
5) Job Support

Assist Life Stage, Transition

Any transition or change in life can be very challenging for anyone, and if you have a disability, it could be much harder to adapt or go through it. The transition could be of any type it could be changing home, starting college, leaving home, getting a job and more. Optimistic Community Care is reforming individuals’ lives by helping them in every stage of their life. We can help you by using a planned plan better by keeping your abilities and situation in mind. The transition will become way easier then.

Development-Life Skills

Development of skills means the basic skills which are needed the most to live a life. We can provide you with the best support to reach your personal goals. We will help you become more independent, confident and have more control. We will also help and train you in different aspects of daily life tasks like travelling, meal preparation, being more hygienic, living independently and more. Being independent will not be the only thing you will achieve but you will also feel self-esteem.
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